Best iPhone Game Updates: ‘Pizza Hero’, ‘Grindstone’, ‘PUBG Mobile’, ‘Brawl Stars’, and More

Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It’s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. As wild as it may seem, I think we have our first Halloween update of the year in today’s batch. That’s a bit early, but I suppose it gets earlier every year, doesn’t it? Aside from that, we have a lot of favorites in today’s bunch. Of course, you can keep an eye out for updates yourself by participating in the TouchArcade forums. This weekly summary is just here to fill you in on the things you might have missed. Let’s go for it!

Pizza Hero, Free Mmm, I think I’m going to give away the coveted UMMSotW award early this week. Makes it easier, from a paperwork standpoint. Anyway, Pizza Hero rules. This update adds a new way to collect rewards on the screen called the Idle Charge Meter. Just stay still for a while and you’ll get the goods. Easy, right? The rest of this update concerns dashing. There’s a new Dash Sensitivity option that allows you to… adjust exactly what you would think. You can also add a dash button to the screen if that works better for you than swiping, and it even allows you to reposition it during a game using the pause screen. Yes, that all sounds lovely.

PUBG MOBILE, Free Here it is! Here is the cheeky Halloween monkey! The latest update for PUBG Mobile brings in the new theme mode Zombie’s Edge. Lots of new zombie gameplay stuff in here, apparently. I’m not sure what zombie gameplay entails. There’s a new melee weapon, too. The dagger! Cool. Useful for stabbing zombies, no doubt. The FAMAS and AUG also get updates here. Look, I know what you’re going to say: zombies don’t mean Halloween, necessarily. And that is true, but the update notes call this and other coming things “Halloweeks". Case closed.

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, Free Well, let’s see what random character Disney Heroes pulls out this time around. It’s never boring! Except when it is. But this time… this time I have a good feeling about. Shaun is stalling. Pay no attention to that last sentence. The new playable character is none other than Rose from Disney’s American Dragon Jake Long! How’s that for a deep cut? This update also includes some bug fixes and improvements, plus some patching for Season 11.

Marvel Contest of Champions, Free Oh, some new stuff in Contest of Champions. It seems as though Zemo is up to some shenanigans, as Zemo tends to be. So who is going to stop him and the Masters of Evil? It looks like it’s going to be Gladiator and Iron Man. Uh oh. That’s just one of many events, improvements, rewards, and features that have been packed into this update. I just can’t think of a worse duo to send after Zemo. Well, it’s only the Battleworld at stake, I guess. Good luck with all of that, Grandmaster.

Solitaire Stories, Solitaire Stories is a rather reliable game when it comes to updates, with something new always just around the corner. Let’s see what kind of events are in this update, shall we? First new event: The Interstellar Shuffle! Space? Sure, why not. Next: Card Game Climbers! That sounds like a game on The Price is Right. Last: Donut Delights! Donuts and cards probably don’t go together that well, as you would get the cards all sticky. But we are in the make-believe world of a video game, so just don’t imagine the sticky bits and you’ll be fine. Maybe.

Cityscapes: Sim Builder, Wow, this is a big-pants update. The most important thing is the addition of the Sandbox Mode, which works pretty much like you would think it does. It also brings in a new map that you can only use in Sandbox Mode. Otherwise it’s a whole bunch of UI tweaks, gameplay adjustments, bug fixes, and many quality of life improvements. I feel like any builder should have a sandbox mode, so this is nothing but good news in my opinion.

Grindstone, Here we are in the Canada Corner. I just made that up. It certainly won’t be back. But I needed something to tag onto Grindstone, so here we are. The game has forty new levels to play in four new caves, and that means four new pieces of gold gear to acquire. Burning Bottoms, Sepsis Sanctorium, Bologna Bunker (great name), and Retch Road (also solid) are all waiting for you to get to the grinding. This concludes this edition of the Canada Corner, which I will remind you will never be back again.

Angry Birds Reloaded, More levels have been added to the Space section of the game. You get ten of them, set on the Ice Moon. Wear something warm! There are also some hidden Eggsteroids to watch for in the Space episodes. Will you get something good for finding them all? I have absolutely no idea, but there’s only one way to find out. There are also some new player avatar options in this version, so… that’s cool. I love Angry Birds Space, so more Space levels is fine by me.

June’s Journey: Hidden Objects, Free Here’s our obligatory free-to-play matching puzzle update for the week. It’s June’s Journey! And now it has something called Club Mysteries! You and your Detective Club are off to solve some crimes. What else is a Detective Club going to do? The Marquess and her henchfolk are causing trouble, stealing all kinds of things. You might think the police would handle this, but no. You’ll be rewarded for your work, at the very least. Does that fill you with determination? I hope so.

Brawl Stars, Free Sure, this seems like a suitable way to finish things off today. All the kids like Brawl Stars, right? Right. This version gives you a new seasonal event, something called Hypercharge, a pair of new Brawlers named Pearl and Chuck, and a whole bunch of other goodies. Yes, we have bug fixes. Yes, we have quality of life changes. Some new skins? That’s neat. Okay, that should be enough. Go, play the game.

That about wraps it up for last week’s significant updates. I’m sure I’ve missed some, though, so please feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think something should be mentioned. As usual, major updates will likely get their own news stories throughout this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the blanks. Have a great week!

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