While we’ll likely be hearing about the new season of Marvel Snap (Free) soon given the imminent wrap-up of Rise of the Phoenix, the developers at Second Dinner have decided to treat us to a little appetizer in the form of an updated development roadmap for the title. Previous roadmaps have had a number of features on them that were implemented within a relatively reasonable amount of time, and I suspect what we see here today in the Coming Soon group will follow that trend. Let’s take a look at what’s on the agenda.
One point that has been on these roadmaps for a while is the PC launch. Hopefully it isn’t too far off, because I know a lot of people prefer to play that way. Not really too important to us mobile folks though, so on to the next point. The description doesn’t say anything about what Twitch Drops are as far as I can see, but I’m sure someone can figure it out. Okay, here’s a good one: Card Upgrade Improvements. Once this is in, you’ll be able to upgrade a card multiple levels at one time instead of going through the whole routine for each level. On top of that, you’ll be able to use Gold to close the gap for your next upgrade if you’re missing some Boosters. Not bad.
Seasonal Audio is exactly what it sounds like, changing up the audio as the seasons change or holidays arise. Conquest Polish seems to mainly come down to UI tweaks to make things run faster and with less nonsense. No notes were given about Infinite Rank Revamp and Global Matchmaking Phase I, but I’m sure we can speculate about some ideas.
I won’t go into much detail on the In Development and In Concept things, as we’ve talked about some of them before. I do like the idea of collectible emotes and card emojis, if only to flesh out the selection somewhat. I can’t Ms. Marvel Thumbs-Up for everything! Prestige Level seems to be a response to people being disappointed with some less-than-cool drops from their Collector’s Caches, and I’m all for that. Well, I’m sure we’ll see some of this stuff down the road a bit.
That about sums things up for the latest development roadmap. Nothing as massive as the full-on new modes we’ve seen in previous ones, but as a veteran of Fire Emblem Heroes, I’m totally okay with a game not adding a ridiculous number of new modes, burying the original game in cruft. We should have news about the next season of Marvel Snap tomorrow, and my August deck building guide shouldn’t be too far behind that. What do you think about this roadmap? What would you like to see in the game? Hit those comments, friends.