Interactive Poem ‘A Memoir Blue’ Finally Coming to iOS November 3rd

During the Annapurna Interactive Showcase that aired in July of last year, the prolific publisher announced a slew of new game releases across a number of platforms, two of which were destined for iOS. First was an iOS port of the award-winning “walking simulator" What Remains of Edith Finch, which arrived in August of last year to much acclaim from our own Mikhail Madnani in our review. Their second iOS-related announcement from that showcase was for a new game from developer Cloisters Interactive called A Memoir Blue, which was described as an interactive poem that explored the relationship between a mother and daughter. Check out its beautiful trailer.

A Memoir Blue launched on consoles and PC this past February, but for whatever reason the iOS release was nowhere in sight. However, as you likely figured out by this post’s title or the above trailer, today Annapurna Interactive announced that the iOS version will finally be launching on November 3rd. I have not experienced A Memoir Blue for myself yet since its launch on other platforms earlier this year, but I do love these types of poignant and personal interactive stories and I really love the surreal visual styles showcased in the game. I have also heard nothing but good things about this one by those who have played it on other platforms. So if this one slipped by you on other systems, or you just prefer playing things on iOS devices (I mean you ARE reading TouchArcade) then look for A Memoir Blue’s iOS launch next week on November 3rd.

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