Back in April developer Afterburn announced their new project Railbound following previous successes such as Golf Peaks and Inbento, the latter of which was our Game of the Week pick back in September of 2019. Railbound is a logic puzzler which tasks you with piecing together different types of track sections in order to create a route of track that will get a train’s cars all connected with the train engine. This is of course much more difficult than it sounds as the train cars are numbered and must be connected in order all while avoiding crashing into one another, meaning there’s a heavy order-of-operations element to the puzzle-solving. Upon its announcement, all we knew about Railbound was that it would be launching at some point in 2022 on mobile, PC, and consoles. Well that all changed this past Saturday during the Future of Play Direct streaming event, where Afterburn announced that Railbound would be arriving on all platforms this September, and they delivered that announcement by way of this slick new trailer.
But wait, there’s more! This week is also the Steam Next Fest, and so there’s now a brand new PC demo for Railbound which you can download on the game’s Steam page and try out for yourself right now. There actually was a demo of the game previously, but this new demo includes 5 brand new levels that showcase a new mechanic and various other fixes and enhancements based on feedback from the previous demo. Also on the game’s Steam page you can check out some developer commentary videos and there will be special livestream events happening both tomorrow and Wednesday which you can check out. Aside from all the cool behind-the-scenes stuff going on with the game’s development, I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on the final product on mobile once Railbound launches this September.