Sputnik V best vaccine for preventing Covid-19 deaths - Hungarian study

The Russian-made Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine has shown the best result in preventing Covid-19 mortality, compared to the other leading formulas, according to a comprehensive study based on Hungary’s mass-vaccination drive.

The comparative analysis of the performance of different jabs used in the central European country was unveiled, on Thursday, by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the sovereign wealth fund that bankrolled the jab's development.

“With 98% efficacy in preventing COVID-related mortality and 85.7% efficacy against coronavirus infection Sputnik V has demonstrated the best results among five vaccines (Sputnik V, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca) administered in EU member state Hungary as part of an independent study based on data from 3.7 million people,” the CEO of the RDIF, Kirill Dmitriev, said in a statement on Thursday.

While beating all the competitors in terms of protecting against coronavirus-related mortality, Sputnik V came second in Hungary in preventing the disease itself. The best result, in this category, was delivered by the US-made Moderna shot, which demonstrated 98% efficacy compared to 86% shown by Sputnik V.

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Long-term efficacy of Russian Sputnik V jab revealed

The Russian-made shot also turned out to be “100% effective against COVID related deaths in individuals aged 16–44 years” according to the findings.

The new study comes a day after the RDIF presented the general public with an analysis of the long-term results of a mass-vaccination campaign in San Marino, which primarily used Sputnik V. Some 70% of the European microstate’s 34,000-strong population received the Russian-made jab.

The vaccine showed extremely high efficacy in San Marino, with “only 0.75 per 1,000 people” who were vaccinated with it ending up hospitalized. The jab also retained high efficacy over long periods, remaining some 80% effective against the disease from six to eight months after administering the second dose.

Sputnik V’s long-term efficacy “is much higher than officially published efficacy of mRNA vaccines,” the RDIF noted.

Recently, multiple studies sounded the alarm over a steep decline in efficacy demonstrated by these vaccines, with the issue affecting the shots by Pfizer and, to a lesser extent, Moderna. 

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