Actress and activist Rose McGowan has accused California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wife of trying to convince her not to go public with the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse story. She will detail the allegations on Sunday.
Newsom’s chief rival, Republican Party candidate Larry Elder, said he and McGowan will hold a press conference on Sunday afternoon, during which McGowan will detail how
“Gavin Newsom’s wife, Jennifer, attempted to bribe and silence her from speaking out about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuses.”
“The time for radical change is now,” the actress wrote on Twitter after the announcement.
The event is scheduled to take place two days before the recall election, in which Elder hopes to unseat Newsom, who has been governing California since 2019.
McGowan, who has harshly criticized both Republican and Democrat figures in the past, first made allegations about Newsom’s wife in an interview with political commentator and talk show host Dave Rubin earlier this week.
She claimed Jennifer Siebel Newsom wanted to set up a meeting with her and later called her on behalf of Weinstein’s lawyer, David Boies, attempting to convince McGowan not to go public with sexual abuse accusations against Weinstein.
According to McGowan, the call occurred in 2017, six months before The New York Times ran a story in which dozens of women, including McGowan, accused Weinstein of rape and sexual assault. The accusations spearheaded the #MeToo movement and led to a criminal investigation of Weinstein. The once-powerful Hollywood mogul was ultimately sentenced to 23 years in jail last year.
“Remember when you @JenSiebelNewsom asked me on behalf of Weinstein’s gross lawyer ‘What it would take to make me happy?’ Gavin Newsom’s wife has some explaining to do,” McGowan tweeted after the interview with Rubin. She called on Californians to vote for Elder instead of Newsom.
The actress posted screenshots of what she said were emails sent by Siebel Newsom. According to the screenshots, the governor’s wife supposedly acknowledged that one of her extended family members works at the same law firm as Boies, but called the accusations of her being in cahoots with Boies “crazy.”
“I want us to heal as a culture and so I asked Rose ‘what if anything Boies could do for her that would help her to heal’ and then I thought I would present that to my brother in law to take to Boies,” the email purportedly sent by Siebel Newsom read.
The email also seemed to suggest McGowan’s allegations against Siebel Newsom stemmed from “unresolved trauma,” and Siebel Newsom was made into “the scapegoat.”
In a statement to Newsweek, a spokesperson for Siebel Newsom dismissed the allegations as a “complete fabrication.”
Opponents have criticized Newsom for imposing a harsh lockdown last year when the state was first hit by Covid-19. The governor was later forced to apologize for attending a packed birthday party at a luxury restaurant in November at a time when he and his administration were asking Californians to refrain from family gatherings on Thanksgiving.