A Week Before New Baby Eve – The TouchArcade Show #503

In this week’s episode of The TouchArcade Show I give everyone another update on my baby situation including the various voodoo we’ve been doing to get the little guy to flip, we discuss the recent T-Mobile data leak and check to see which one of us has been “pwned" the most, we talk about Kanye’s weird new album strategy, and talk about the horrific fire situation in California which has darkened my skies and ruined my lungs. Oh, we also talk about a bunch of mobile gaming stuff too, which you can find in the Show Notes below. It’s a fun one, so strap in!

PROGRAMMING UPDATE: Unless baby decides otherwise, his birthday will be on August 28th. That means the show may be on hiatus as I deal with the trials and tribulations of having a newborn. There’s a possiblity we can record next week prior to baby’s arrival, but Eli has some out of town guests staying with him all week, so not sure if that will work either. So that means this week’s show might be the last one for… a bit. Please bear with us and I promise we’ll be back soon!

Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to podcast@toucharcade.com. We read ’em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in emoji. As always, you can listen to us with the links below… And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!

As a companion to this audio podcast, we also do a video version of the same show that is exclusive to Patreon which allows you to see us playing the games we’re talking about. Backers can view the most recent video episodes of the TouchArcade show by clicking here. Be sure you’re logged in to see the latest content. For everyone else who is curious, you can check out our public patreon posts to see older episodes of the video podcast. If you like what you see, consider becoming a TouchArcade Patreon backer.

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Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-503.mp3

Show Notes:

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