Democrat congressman to donate suit he wore during Capitol riot to Smithsonian, says ‘January 6 must never be forgotten’

US Representative Andy Kim (D-New Jersey) tried to add some drama to the six-month anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot by announcing plans to donate the suit he wore that day to the Smithsonian national history museum.

Kim, who drew national attention when a photo of him picking up debris in the Capitol after the riot went viral, posted a 17-part thread of Twitter messages on Tuesday to tell the tale of his suit donation. He was wearing the blue suit in his famous photo, and it will apparently be among the artifacts that the Smithsonian displays to document the riot.

“January 6 must never be forgotten,” Kim said. “While some try to erase history, I will fight to tell the story so it never happens again.”

But some observers apparently didn't appreciate the poignance of Kim's story, instead seeing it as the latest effort by Democrats and mainstream media outlets to hype the scale and significance of the riot, which has been portrayed as a deadly and racist right-wing “insurrection” that was instigated by former President Donald Trump.

“I was also once in a building where people trespassed,” conservative podcast host Matt Walsh tweeted. “I will be donating the shirt I wore that day to the Smithsonian.”

Other observers piled on with the mockery. “I, too, have been in a building where someone once trespassed,” one commenter said. “I will donate a pair of my Underoos worn that fateful day, skid marks for authenticity.” Another quipped, “I will donate the jockstrap I wore during the 1994 state championship hockey game I was in. We won. Smithsonian, let me know when you want it.”

New Jersey lawyer Matt Rooney pointed out the irony that the Smithsonian didn't seek to obtain the blue dress that White House intern Monica Lewinsky wore when she had sexual relations with then-President Bill Clinton, but it will display Kim's blue suit.

Democrats were outraged that Walsh and others would make light of the “insurrection” at the Capitol. “It was terrorism,” a self-described progressive said. “You're defending terrorism.” Another commenter replied, “Wild, bro. Did your event have a mob seeking to hang the vice president and install a dictator, too?”

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