One of the defining features of Nintendo’s Switch is that it can be a fully portable handheld gaming console. In fact I personally have only ever played my Switch on a TV… twice? Three times maybe? And I’m sure I’m not alone. When we talk about “mobile" gaming that’s typically referring to iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, but given the Switch’s portable nature and its hardware that is more or less just a tablet with controllers attached, it also fits somewhere in the mobile conversation. In fact that’s a big part of how we justify talking about Switch here on TouchArcade, though it’s also because we’re just huge Switch fanboys that do what we want.
Anyway, what I’m driving at is there’s tons of potential for synergy between iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. If you’re going to make a game specifically for the Switch’s hardware there’s not many reasons why you shouldn’t also be thinking about releasing on iOS and Android devices, and vice versa. We’ve certainly seen this before but it doesn’t seem as common as it should be. However, Zynga has just unveiled their new title Star Wars: Hunters during today’s Nintendo Direct showcase, and this is one that will indeed be heading to iOS and Android devices in addition to Switch when it launches later this year. Here’s the teaser.
This is very likely the unnamed Star Wars game that Zynga and Disney signed up to make for mobile devices back in 2018, and it’s described as a squad-based multiplayer arena combat game. Storyline-wise it takes place after Return of the Jedi and before The Force Awakens, and it’ll feature a number of brand new characters battling it out in some of the most iconic locations in the Star Wars universe. The game will be free to play and on the Nintendo Switch side of things you won’t need to subscribe to the paid Nintendo Online service in order to play. This is Zynga’s first foray into console gaming, but as I mention above, the Nintendo Switch has much more in common with the smartphone and tablet world than it does with Xbox, PlayStation, or PC, so they’re not totally out of their element. I’m looking forward to checking out Star Wars: Hunters when it launches on Switch and mobile sometime this year. In the meantime you can sign up to be notified when more news hits over on the game’s website.