Who knew Genetics could actually inspire a mythical legend!

 The Seven Daughters of Eve:

     I'm pretty sure you're all familiar with this term that's used trace prehistoric, European ancestry, right? Well believe it or not, this setup is exactly what drove my interest in writing a historical, fantasy, epic based on these Great Seven. It's titled: "Septet Legends: The War Between Light and Darkness Begins!" It served as a distant sequel to the events of JSA: The World's books series. However, very few characters from JSA (primarily three: Justin, Nephthys, and Ed) play any significant roles in the story and is pretty much a stand alone story set apart from anything else in JSA: The World. It was also this story that was inspired to create the plotagon series named, "Untitled Ambition." It's mixes the characters from the original JSA: The World -First Edition with the plot, setting, and elements from Septet Legends! And so far so good, it seems to be an excellent colaboration!

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