Florida Gov. DeSantis vows to ‘stand in the way’ of Biden lockdowns and mask mandates

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida fired back at the White House telling him to ‘get out of the way’ of its Covid-19 policies, saying he doesn’t want to hear people letting in infected illegal migrants lecture him about the virus.

The Biden administration and the corporate media have singled out DeSantis as a problem for their Covid-19 strategy, since the Florida Republican has ruled out mask mandates and vaccination passports. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said he should “get out of the way” of public health experts.

Speaking on Wednesday, DeSantis said he doesn’t want to hear lectures from the administration that’s letting in illegal immigrants infected with Covid-19 through the “wide open southern border.”

President Joe Biden’s big solution to the uptick in Covid-19 cases is to “have the government force kindergartners to wear masks in school,” DeSantis thundered, pointing out that one of his medical advisers – National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins – had just called for parents to wear masks at home around their children. “This is insane,” the governor added.

Collins backtracked on his comment to CNN after backlash from the public.

Biden “rejects science” by denying that people who’ve had Covid-19 have natural immunity, DeSantis continued, and seeks to mandate vaccines instead. By contrast, Florida prioritized senior citizens and decided to make the vaccines available to all, but not mandatory for anybody.

He also took aim at New York City’s just-announced vaccine pass, pointing out that the Democrats in favor of such mandates call voter ID requirements “racist.”

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“No voter ID but have to show your medical papers just to be able to live everyday life? Give me a break,” DeSantis said. “So I think the question is, we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. I can tell you, Florida, we're a free state.”

Rather than get out of the way of Washington, DeSantis said, he intended to stand in the way of lockdowns, restrictions and mandates that ruin people’s lives and livelihoods.

“Why don't you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip about Covid from you,” he said at the end of the speech.

Elected in 2018, after a single term as an outspoken ally of President Donald Trump in the US House of Representatives, DeSantis is the youngest governor in the country. He has attracted an enormous amount of negative coverage from the media and Democrats over the past year.

“This is not a Governor, this is witting perpetrator of COVID-19 Genocide,” said podcast host Fernand Amandi in a representative take. “Beware my fellow Floridians of this vile sociopath.”

Meanwhile, Republicans are increasingly regarding DeSantis as a contender for the 2024 presidential nomination, praising the governor as someone “who Trump pretended to be.”

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