Ever since Dinosaur Polo Club launched Mini Motorways, the spin-off title of their phenomenal Mini Metro, as part of Apple Arcade’s batch of debut titles they have been diligently releasing updates for it as well as its older sibling adding in plenty of new content and features. Whereas Mini Metro had you routing and planning an entire public rail system across a range of cities, Mini Motorways goes in the other direction and instead has you master planning entire roadway systems to manage people’s individual commutes. Both games have this wonderful minimalist aesthetic, and as I’ve already mentioned both games have been well-updated with new content over the years. In the case of Mini Motorways its latest update, called the Round Trip update, arrived this week and adds 2 brand new maps, Dubai and Mexico City, as well as new roundabouts you can place on your maps to help improve traffic flow. Check them out in this lovely new trailer.
In addition to the new maps and roundabouts, this Mini Motorways update also includes a GIF capturing tool so you can capture and share your creations with the world; new Daily and Weekly challenges to test your skills in various ways; improved visuals including greatly improving the experience for colorblind players; improved game balance across all maps; and an improved tutorial. Also, as you may have noticed at the end of the above trailer, Mini Motorways is no longer exclusive to Apple Arcade and as of this week is now available on Steam for both Windows and Mac, and that version is currently on 10% discount by itself or nearly 25% discount when you buy it bundled with the Steam version of Mini Metro. Personally I think the touchscreen is where these games shine brightest, but no matter what platform you’re playing on both Mini Motorways and Mini Metro are incredible games that just seem to continue getting better and better thanks to these numerous updates.